
Hi my name is Brian, as a first generation immigrant to the United States, I have walked the same path many had walked before me and many others will walk after me. Namely, how to work and obtain a better life, for ourselves, our parents, and our children through financial literacy and financial freedom. I am at a stage of my life where I have achieved a comfortable level of financial freedom and I would like to PAY IT FORWARD by spreading this knowledge in personal finance. In our Capitalistic American Society, finance and financial instruments are everywhere, yet, it is rarely taught or explained in school, at home, or anywhere else. Most financial products currently on the market are not optimized for customer, it is designed to benefit the providers (financial industry and its associates) rather than customers (you and I). I have started this site to share my insights one person at a time. 

I attended a Public University with a double majors in Biochemistry and Economics, minor in Mathematics. Along with grants, and loans, like many first generation college students, I worked varies on campus jobs to pay for tuition, room and board. After graduation, my career started within the Insurance Industry with various fortune 500 companies. At the same time I worked a second job helping my parents with their various small business ventures in our local community. Some of those businesses achieved small successes, most are failures. Through hard works and sacrifices, I have achieved early retirement at the age of 40. I am able to support my family and parents with my investments while living a modest lifestyle. 


There are many self learning tools on the internet, i.e. Blog, YouTube video, books, guides……..etc. Many of the tools and advices are very useful but the utilization rate is very low. After all, what good is financial advice and knowledge, if one never uses or acts on them? I am taking a different, more personal approach, I want this knowledge sharing to be one on one, customized to a person’s individual needs, circumstances and situation. I have offered the same advices and services to my friends and family throughout the years and I found that self learning in finance is very difficult. There were lots of hand holdings, baby steps and often encouragement to follow through were necessary. Furthermore, sticking to the financial plan is quite difficult. I offer this service free of charge and I will never ask for a fee or request you buy any products. You won’t even need to, “subscribe” or “smash that ‘like’ button”. I simple want to share the knowledges and a few insights. We are blessed to be in America and are able to benefit from all the financial options available to us in this country.

By serendipity that you found me on the internet, I love to share 😀.

Ask any question, Email: financialliteracyfree4all@gmail.com

P.S. I paid about $100 to host this site for 3 years (March 2022 to 2025). Minimal cost, I will call it a win if I can help one person.